Invited plenary talks (40 minutes/Talk)
Plenary title (Topic 1): Exploring the limits of observable nuclei
- Liverpool University, UNITED KINGDOM
Plenary title (Topic 2): Applications within particle accelerators
- BUDKER Institute Of Nuclear Physics, RUSSIA
Plenary title (Topic 3): Quantitative molecular imaging in the era of precision medicine
- Head of PET Instrumentation and Neuroimaging Laboratory, Professor at University of Groningen, Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor at Obuda University, Professor at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
- Geneva University Hospital, SWITZERLAND
Plenary title (Topic 4): Multiphysics Analysis of Reactor Cores
- KARLSRUHE Institute Of Technology, GERMANY
Plenary title (Topic 5): Isotopic variations of solar planetary materials caused by neutron capture reactions in space