Guidelines for participants
The official language for participation in ICRAA'4 is English.
Registration fees
- Fees for Regular Scientists 20 000 DZD (150 Euros) without accommodation.
- Fees for Regular Scientists 45 000 DZD (334 Euros) for three nights' accommodation in a single room.
- Fees for Regular Scientists 37 500 DZD (273 Euros) for two nights' accommodation in a single room.
- Fees for Regular Scientists 36 000 DZD (264 Euros) for three nights' accommodation in a double room.
- Fees for Regular Scientists 31 000 DZD (226 Euros) for two nights' accommodation in a double room.
- Fees for PhD Students 10 000 DZD (80 Euros) without accomodation.
- Fees for PhD Students 35 000 DZD (264 Euros) for three nights' accommodation in a single room.
- Fees for PhD Students 26 500 DZD (194 Euros) for three nights' accommodation in a double room.
- Fees for PhD Students 21 000 DZD (156 Euros) for two nights' accommodation in a double room.
- Fees for Industrial 35 000 DZD (250 Euros) without accomodation.
- Fees for Industrial 60 000 DZD (434 Euros) for three nights' accommodation in a single room.
Notes :
- Accommodation is at the Hammamet Hotel (breakfast is
included with the room).
- For PhD students, a certificate must be presented.
- The registration fees without accommodation covers documentation, including the book of abstracts,
coffee breaks, lunches and a conference dinner.
- Registration fees must be paid in cash to the Registration Desk at the start of the conference.
Abstract Template
We kindly invite you to send your abstract in English using the
downloadable word template
[Word .dotx] -
[Word 97-2003 .dot]
Abstract submission deadline :
February 28, 2025
Submission Opening : May 15, 2024
Oral Presentations
Plenary sessions last 40 to 50 minutes
(see conference programme),
including 3 to 4 minutes for Q&A
Oral presentations are 15-20 minutes, including 2-4 minutes for
Before the start of their session, presenters are invited to copy
their presentation onto the conference laptop
- Please prepare and bring your presentation on a USB key.
Poster Presentations
The poster is printed on A0 size paper (841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x
46.8 inches)
The poster template is available. Please use the provided template
and add the poster header and number as shown (not 110).
Please send the .pdf file of your poster before the start of the