Conference topics
Topic 1:Radiation Matter Interaction
- Nuclear reaction
- Nuclear structure
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Atomic spectroscopy
- Ion surface interaction
Topic 2: Nuclear Techniques and Detection
- Ion beam analysis
- Characterization of materials
- Detectors and data analysis
- Novel detectors and materials
Topic 3: Radiological and Medical Physics
- Radiation dosimetry
- Radiology & imaging with ionizing radiation
Radiation oncology physics, radiotherapy, radiopharmaceuticals
and nuclear medicine
Radiobiology and radiation protection of patients and workers
Computational codes, machine learning and artificial
intelligence in medical physics
- Beam standardization in medical physics
- Ionizing radiation metrology in medical physics
Topic 4: Nuclear Reactor Physics
- Neutronic and core analysis
- Nuclear reactor safety analysis
- Multi-physics reactor modeling and simulation
- Research reactors utilization
- SMRs and new trends in nuclear reactors technology
Topic 5: Radiation in Industry, Life and Environment
Industrial, Environment, Geology, Hydrology and Archeology
- Food and agriculture
- Radioisotope and radiotracers
- Nanotechnology and materials modification
- Irradiation of materials